Monday, April 30, 2012

Best Cats

Best Cats  wallpaperBest Cats

Cat wallpaperBest Cats

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cat Pictures

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True Wild Life | Cat | Cats (domestic cats) seem to date back to around ancient Egyptian times, when they were worshiped and heralded as sacred animals to the Gods in Egypt. The cat has since become an honored and valued member of family homes worldwide.

A cats senses are superior amongst the animal world, with exceptional sight, smell and taste, cats are able to subtly sneak up on, and catch their prey with immense success. Despite the cats unbeatable night-vision, a cats eyesight during the day is actually not too dissimilar from a humans! Due to this, cats are more nocturnal hunters looking for small rodents and birds.

The average domestic cat sleeps for around 18 hours a day and tends to spend their waking time hunting for food. Despite wild cats being solitary animals, the domestic cat is known to enjoy attention from humans and other animals and will often even get on well with some dogs.

Cat Foot Facts
  • Cats have soft pads on the bottom of their paws to enable them to move smoothly and run quickly.
  • Cats have sharp claws to help the cat to grip when running and climbing trees.
  • Sharp claws and soft pads allow the cat to hold onto and grip its prey effectively.
  • The sharp claws of the cat are retractable which allows them to remain sharp as they avoid contact with the ground when it is not needed.
  • Cats are able to walk very precisely as they put their back paws in place of the front paws, helping to minimise noise and visible tracks.

Cat Teeth Facts
  • Cats have highly specialised teeth which allows them to both bite and tear meat apart.
  • The front set of teeth in the mouth of the cat are well developed and act efficiently to shear meat apart, like a pair of scissors.
  • Cats have tiny hooks or spikes on their tongue which helps the cat to get any remaining meat from bones.
  • The hooked tongue of the cat is very beneficial so that the cat is able to clean itself effectively.
  • The average adult cat has 30 teeth which include 12 incisors, 4 canines, 10 premolars and 4 molars.

Cat Wallpaper

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 1 : size 1024 x 786

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 2 : size 1024 x 786

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 3 : size 1024 x 786

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 4 : size 1024 x 786

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 5 : size 1024 x 786

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 6 : size 1024 x 786

Cat WallpaperCat Wallpaper 7 : size 1024 x 786

Latest Cats Animal Wallpapers For Desktop

The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or housecat to distinguish it from other felines and felids, is a small furry domesticated carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and are currently the most popular pet in the world. Owing to their close association with humans, cats are now found almost everywhere on earth.

Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. As nocturnal predators, cats use their acute hearing and ability to see in near darkness to locate prey. Not only can cats hear sounds too faint for human ears, they can also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can perceive. This is because the usual prey of cats (particularly rodents such as mice) make high frequency noises, so the hearing of the cat has evolved to pinpoint these faint high-pitched sounds. Cats rely more on smell than taste, and have a much better sense of smell than humans.

Despite being solitary hunters, cats are a social species and use a variety of vocalizations, pheromones and types of body language for communication. These include meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting.

Cats have a rapid breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by spaying and neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, with a population of up to 60 million of these animals in the United States alone.

As The New York Times wrote in 2007, "Until recently the cat was commonly believed to have been domesticated in ancient Egypt, where it was a cult animal", but a study that year revealed that the lines of descent of all house cats probably run through as few as five self-domesticating African Wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) c. 8000 BC, in the Near East. The earliest direct evidence of cat domestication is a kitten that was buried alongside a human 9,500 years ago in Cyprus.